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Mama Body Tea - Baby Bliss

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Naturally calming and soothing, Baby Bliss Tea is Mama’s best-kept secret for relaxing restless bambinos.
Manufacturer: Mama Body Tea

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Gentle, natural and soothing for the tiniest bambino.This traditional blend of herbs have been usedby Mama'sfor centuries to ease colic,wind,teething and restlessness.
A bub’s cry can break your heart like no other sound; Baby Bliss Tea is a naturopath-recommended way to calm your bub and settle in for a good night’s sleep. The healing benefits can be enjoyed by mama and passed through breastmilk, or the tea can be cooled and given to your bub through a bottle or dropper.
This traditional blend of herbs have been used by mama’s for centuries to ease

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Picture of Mama Body Tea - Baby Bliss
Naturally calming and soothing, Baby Bliss Tea is Mama’s best-kept secret for relaxing restless bambinos.