Organic Baby Carriers and baby slings.
Our little one was in the Hugabub until 10 months before we moved to a baby carrier from 10 months to almost 4 years. We love them both and had so much fun and so many cuddles babywearing our little boy around.
A good sling is suppose to take the weight off you and make it easy for you to carry your child for an extended period of time. From prepregnancy and not being able to carry much weight without being tired, it was amazing how long I could carry my child in a hugabub or Ergobaby carrier. Think walking around a whole lake with your mummy friends while they are exercising with their prams and you are pushing your prams but still carrying your baby. Now that is exercise!
We hope you love the brands we have in stock, all ergonomically designed and with the M shape curve. Have a wonderfully cuddly time using them! Babywearing is AWESOME!